Fee Remission & Scholarship


1. To relieve the financial burden of parents having economic hardship.

2. To award students with outstanding academic and non-academic performance.


  Fee Remission  

1. Tuition Fee Remission
Successful applicants, after the family’s income checking has been confirmed, can receive either 100% / 60% / 40% remission. Applicants who are eligible for 60% remission may stop paying tuition fees in January while those who are eligible for 40% remission may stop paying tuition fees in March. Any tuition fee paid by 100% remission applicants can get refund upon further notice. Application of the Fee Remission Scheme occurs every year and the school will process all applications in two stages:

  • Applications submitted within September (first batch): the result will be finalized and announced within October.
  • Applications submitted later than September (second batch): the result will be finalized and announced after all first batch applications procedures are completed.


2. Activity Fee Remission Scheme
The new policy has been launched since 2011/12. Eligible students* can apply for the Activities Fee Remission for School activities/ interest classes/ study tours. There is no limitation on the amount of remission per student per year. However, the School has the right to stop the granting of Activities Fee Remission if the Reserve for Fee Remission and Scholarship falls under 50% of the latest annual provision. Furthermore, students must apply for the activities and undergo auditions (if any) under the usual procedures. Eligible students will receive an individual notification.


Eligible students*

Activities Fee Remission

  1. families receiving CSSA
  2. families receiving FULL/ HALF textbook grant from SFAA
  3. families receiving 100%/ 60%/ 40% Fee Remission from the School



The Means Test

We use the "Adjusted Family Income" (AFI) mechanism as the means test to assess the eligibility of a family for student financial assistance and its assistance level. The AFI mechanism is based on the following formula:


1. Gross annual income of the family includes the annual income of the applicant and his/her spouse; 30% of the annual income of unmarried child / children residing with the family if applicable; and the contribution from relatives / friends if applicable.
2. The members of a family normally refer to the applicant, his/her spouse, unmarried child / children residing with the family and the dependent parent(s) who are supported by the applicant and/or his/her spouse (Please refer to the Guidance Notes on Application for Assessment of Eligibility for definition of “Dependent Parent”).
3. For single-parent families of 2 to 3 members, the ‘plus 1 factor’ in the divisor of the AFI formula will be increased to 2.


Level of Assistance

The AFI eligibility benchmarks for various levels of assistance in the 2024 / 25 school year are listed in the table below. Please note that the AFI is not the average monthly income of a family.

2024 / 25 school year - AFI Groups between (HK$) Level of Remission
0 – 44,495


44,496 – 86,039


86,040 – 95,271


> 95,271


* AFI thresholds for full level of assistance for 3-member and 4-member families are $53,868 and $49,559 respectively. For 2-member single-parent families and 3-member single-parent families, they are regarded as 3-member families and 4-member families respectively for determining the AFI thresholds for full level of assistance and calculation of AFI.



  School Scholarship  

I. Academic Scholarships

1. Subject Prize

This scholarship is awarded to students ranked 1st to 5th in Chinese, English, Mathematics, GS, Putonghua, Music, PE and VA for P.1 to P.6; French, Japanese and Spanish for P.2 to P.6; and it is also awarded to the students with outstanding performance in FYP group in each P.6 class.


2. Top 5 in Level Prize

This scholarship is awarded to the top 5 students in each level of P.1 to P.5. Prize winners ranked 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th will be awarded 10, 9, 8, 7 and 6 instalments of the next year’s annual school fee as the prize respectively. This scholarship is also awarded to top 5 students in P.6. Each prize winner will be awarded HK$3,000 as a scholarship.


3. The Most Improved Prize

This scholarship is awarded to the top 5 most improved students in each level of P.1 to P.6. The top 5 students will be nominated based on the improvement in the total score in the second term.



II. Non-academic Scholarships

1. Outstanding Performance Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to talented students with outstanding performance in sports, music, visual arts and other non-academic aspects. All teachers in the school can nominate outstanding students for election.  14 winners (max.) will be awarded.


2. Instrumental Class Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to students to recognize the effort dedicated to instrumental learning and to encourage potential students to receive high quality instrumental training. P.1 to P.6 instrumental class students with outstanding performance in the school instrumental assessment and/or public instrumental examination are eligible. Prize winners should continue learning the same instruments in the following school year after obtaining the scholarship. The scholarship will be applied to the school instrumental class tuition fee.


3. Study Tour Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to all selected participants of the study tours organized by the School. The scholarship will only be awarded to prize winners, who have completed the study tour.


4. Camõesian Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to students with exemplary conduct, continuous acquisition in “Camõesian” spirit, application and effort, as well as in maturity in the school year. All class teachers will nominate outstanding students for further audition. 60 winners (2 from each class) will be awarded.



For enquiries, please contact Ms Joanne Liem at 23673318.


Please contact our General Office on 2367 3318 if you wish to get a printed copy of the information sheet of the Fee Remission and Scholarship Schemes.